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Imam Sadiq’s Jurisprudence +PDF

‘Fiqh al-Imam al-Sadiq’ is an example of dynamic jurisprudence and it illustrates how fiqh evolves through the times.

Books of this caliber that touch upon, and demonstrate, the ijtihad practiced by the fuqaha in relation to passing verdicts and so forth are not commonly found in English.

Strictly speaking, one cannot term this treatise as a translation of the late M.J. Maghniyyah’s ‘Fiqh al-Imam al-Sadiq’ for the following reasons: firstly, one may take the position that it is almost impossible to thoroughly translate Arabic jurisprudent themes into a language that doesn’t possess many of the key technical terms (such as junubs, jallals and even the ‘just ’ – see glossary); secondly, explanatory commentaries have been added throughout the book, in addition to the original texts, so that readers may develop a more detailed, and sometimes clearer, understanding of the main issues at stake and thirdly, the structure and layout of the book has been organized differently from that of the original. ‘Fiqh al-Imam al-Sadiq’ is an example of dynamic jurisprudence and it illustrates how fiqh evolves through the times. Books of this caliber that touch upon, and demonstrate, the ijtihad practiced by the fuqaha in relation to passing verdicts and so forth are not commonly found in English.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Imam Sadiq’s Jurisprudence

Author: Muhammad Javad Maghniyah

Translator: Farrokh B. Sekaleshfar

Publisher: AhlulBayt World Assembly Publishing and Printing Center

 Language: English

Length: 141

ISBN: 978-964-529-436-4

Pub. Date: 2008/12/23

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  1. Do you plan to make the Book of Salat (Prayer) also available in English? That would be a great help for our learning!

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