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What Is the Ruling on Having a Relation with a Non-Mahram Girl?

Any form of relationship before marriage, let it be speaking intimately, touching and caressing etc. is haram. If one speaks with a girl with the intention of seeking pleasure or if he fears that he might fall into a sin with her, it is not permissible for him to speak with her. In doing so, it does not make any difference whether you inform her parents or not. However, if you are seriously intending to marry a.....

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Ghusl: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ghusl is a ritual washing performed to attain spiritual cleanliness and physical purity. This full-body purification can become necessary for engaging in various acts of worship. The need for ghusl arises at specific times: after menstrual periods, marital intimacy, and childbirth. It is also recommended on Fridays, Eids, and before entering Mecca and....

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