The book which is translated from Ihtijaj al-Tabarsi presents a compilation of debates of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) with scholars and representatives of other religions including Judaism, Christianity, atheism, dualism and...
October, 2022
14 October
The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad (S)
In The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad, leading Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan considers the ways in which the Prophet's actions, words and teachings can guide us in the....
13 October
Unity of Muslim Ummah, It’s Need, Importance and Suggestions
No doubt unity and consensus has a miraculous role in developing a nation and achieving their higher goals. Muslim's unity is a major and undeniable problem of the time. The increasing sectarian ethnocentrism has spattered and blemished the fundamental Islamic...
10 October
Opposing the Imam: The Legacy of the Nawasib in Islamic Literature
In this book, Nebil Husayn examines the enduring legacy of the nawasib, early Muslims who disliked ʿAli and his descendants. The nawasib participated in politics and discussions on religion at least until the ninth century. However, their virtual disappearance in....
8 October
Al-Šarīf al-Murtaḍā’s Oeuvre and Thought in Context: An Archaeological Inquiry into Texts and their Transmission
This book is a detailed analysis of the reception and transmission of the doctrinal, legal, literary, and exegetical oeuvre of al-Šarīf al-Murtaḍā, arguably one of the most important thinkers of the medieval period, within and....
6 October
Contraction and Expansion the Powers of the Agents of the Islamic System based on the Theory of Wilāyah al-Faqih
The Contraction and Expansion of the powers of the agents of the Islamic system is one of the most challengeable discussions in four decades after the constitution of the Islamic Republic. It is essential to be observed in the ....
1 October
The Compassionate Family by Ayatollah Khamenei
From the insightful lectures and personal stories of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei “The Compassionate Family” offers guidance to men and women on how to develop Islamic character, choose the best companion for...
September, 2022
26 September
Imam al-Riḍa’s (‘a) Esoteric Traditions: An Exposition of Selected Traditions from ‘Uyūn Akhbār al-Riḍā
In this treatise, ‘Allamah Hasan Mustafawi has selected 30 subjects (along with their supplementary topics) in relation to esoteric, intricate, and allegorical traditions (ahadith) from ‘Uyun Akhbar al-Rida by the...
21 September
Islamic Law and Environmental Ethics: How Jurisprudence (Usul Al-Fiqh) Mobilizes Practical Reform
Where some religious environmentalisms deploy traditional concepts according to the practical needs of cosmology, usul al-fiqh (jurisprudence) envisions an alternative practical strategy for....
6 September
New Released: Spring of Knowledge: A Survey of Life Story and Thoughts of Ayatollah Khamenei
The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia has published an entry on the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a separate book....