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Tahrir al-Wasilah by Imam Khomeini+PDF

The present English translation of Imam Khomeini’s well- known book: “Tahrir al- Vasila” consisting of his juristic verdicts, occupies an important place in the program for translating his works into English.

Tahrir AL-Wasilah is a jurisprudential book written by Imam Khomeini in Arabic. The book is his Risala that contains his fatwas. The book which contain most of jurisprudential topics and commonly needed issues is published in two volumes.

The present English translation of Imam Khomeini’s well- known book: “Tahrir al- Vasila” consisting of his juristic verdicts, occupies an important place in the program for translating his works into English. At the time of embarking on this herculean, arduous, but at the same time a valuable venture, we have had the following objectives before us:
Make accessible to the present and future English knowing scholars the Imam’s valuable verdicts in the field Islamic jurisprudence.
A large number of the English knowing people still follow the Imam in their daily pursuits of life. This book will fulfill their need of having detailed verdicts of the Imam on various problems of daily life.

Bibliographic Information


Author:   Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini

Publisher: Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam

 Language: English

Length: 707

ISBN: 978-1496120663

Pub. Date: 2001/03/21

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About Ali Teymoori

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