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Book: Islamic Religious Education in Europe

This Book offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary Islamic Religious Education.

Against the backdrop of labour migration and the ongoing refugee crisis, the ways in which Islam is taught and engaged with in educational settings has become a major topic of contention in Europe. Recognising the need for academic engagement around the challenges and benefits of effective Islamic Religious Education (IRE), this volume offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary IRE.

Considering the ways in which Islam is taught and represented in state schools, public Islamic schools, and non-confessional classes, Part One of this volume includes chapters which survey the varying degrees to which fourteen European States have adopted IRE into curricula, and considers the impacts of varied teaching models on Muslim populations. Moving beyond individual countries’ approaches to IRE, chapters in Part Two offer multi-disciplinary perspectives – from the hermeneutical-critical to the postcolonial – to address challenges posed by religious teachings on issues such as feminism, human rights, and citizenship, and the ways these are approached in European settings.

Given its multi-faceted approach, this book will be an indispensable resource for postgraduate students, scholars, stakeholders and policymakers working at the intersections of religion, education and policy on religious education.

About the Editors

Leni Franken is a Senior Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Bill Gent moved into academic research on aspects of Islamic education at the University of Warwick, UK, following a career as a schoolteacher, adviser and inspector.

Table of Contents

Islamic Religious Education in Europe: Introduction
Bill Gent & Leni Franken

Part I. Islamic Religious Education in Europe: Country Reports

  1. Islamic Religious Education in Austria
    Michael Kramer
  2. Islamic Religious Education in Belgium
    Leni Franken & Caroline Sägesser
  3. Teaching ‘Religion – Islam’ in Bulgarian Public Schools
    Nonka Bogomilova
  4. Islamic Religious Education in Cypriot State Schools
    Dilek Latif
  5. Education About Islam in Danish State Schools
    Mette Buchardt & Nanna Ramsing Enemark
  6. Islamic Religious Education in England
    Bill Gent, Mike Diboll & Farid Panjwani
  7. Islamic Religious Education in Finland
    Tuula Sakaranaho & Inkeri Rissanen
  8. Islamic Religious Education in France
    Diane-Sophie Girin
  9. Islamic Religious Education in German State Schools
    Eva-Maria Euchner & Kathrin Hackner
  10. Islamic Religious Education and Teaching about Islam in Greece
    Angeliki Ziaka & Marios Koukounaras Liagkis
  11. Islamic Education in the Netherlands
    Ina ter Avest, Cok Bakker & Leni Franken
  12. Education About Islam in Norwegian Religious Education
    Bengt-Ove Andreassen
  13. Islamic Religious Education and Education About Islam in Sweden
    Jenny Berglund
  14. Islamic Religious Education in Switzerland
    Hansjörg Schmid, Andreas Tunger-Zanetti & Monika Winter-Pfändler

Part II: Interdisciplinary Exploratory Essays on Islamic Religious Education in Europe

  1. Comparative Perspectives on IRE in Europe
    Oddrun M. H. Bråten
  2. Islamic Religious Education in Europe and European Recommendations as Mutual Challenges
    Martin Rothgangel
  3. Teaching and Learning About Islam in Educational Terms
    Geir Skeie
  4. Varieties of Islamic Religious Education and the Link with Citizenship Education
    Siebren Miedema
  5. Democratic Education on Religion and Ethics in Islamic Religious Education Contexts
    Olof Franck
  6. Teaching About Islam: Insights from Hermeneutics
    Farid Panjwani
  7. Postcolonial and Feminist Perspectives in Islamic Religious Education
    Marianne Bøe
  8. Islamic Education within the Muslim Minority-Context of Europe: Pedagogy, Politics and Future Directions
    Abdullah Sahin
  9. Religious Education and Social Cohesion – A Normative Stance
    François Levrau
  10. Compulsory, Objective, Critical and Pluralistic Teaching about Religions? Incentives and Disincentives under International Human Rights Law
    Jeroen Temperman

In Conclusion: Post-Secular ‘Islamic Religious Education’ in Europe – Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects
Leni Franken

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Religious Education in Europe A Comparative Study

Editor (s): Leni Franken & Bill Gent

Publisher: Edinburgh University Press

Length: 328 pages

ISBN:‎ 9780367748197

Pub. Date: April 20, 2021

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About Ali Teymoori

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