This article includes a brief biography of Imam Sadiq (as), his revered conduct, and his deep knowledge in jurisprudence; it also delves into the state of the Shi'as during his time as well as his political confrontations with the...
June, 2021
May, 2021
22 May
Early Shi’i Thought: The Teachings of Imam Muhammad al-Baqi +PDF
Using hitherto largely ignored Shi'i sources, Arzina R. Lalani explores Imam Muhammad al-Baqir's pivotal contributions to Islamic thought in its early formative period, contributions that were powerfully to affect developments in...
14 May
Book: Islam in a Secular State: Muslim Activism in Singapore
This study analyses the following categories of Muslim activists: Islamic religious scholars (ulama), liberal Muslims, and the more conservative-minded...
6 May
Book: Palestine from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini
From various aspects, the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran resulted in the intensification of the Muslims’ campaign against the Zionists and changed the method of the...
3 May
Video: Famous French Scholar’s Views on Imam Ali (as)
The French writer, thinker, and philosopher Roger Garaudy talks with his student in famous French Sorbonne about Ali Ibn AbuTalib’s will....
3 May
Causes of Enmity with Imam Ali (as) in the Light of Nahj al-Balaghah
In this article an attempt has been made to probe the current of enmity with Imam 'Ali (as) and the different causes and motives behind it, by referring to the words of the Imam himself in the...
3 May
WiIaya of Imam Ali and its Theological-Juridical Implications for the Islamic Political Thought
This paper examines the Qur'anic origins of the concept of wilaya in light of its connection with the historical wilaya of Imam Ali...
1 May
Imam Mahdi (a) in Chapter al-Qadr
Chapter al-Qadr (97) of the Holy Qu’ran is a short chapter containing five verses in which Allah (swt) promises a night during which the angels descend with...
April, 2021
30 April
Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Application, First Edition
Introduction to Islamic Economics: Theory and Application provides an overview of the organizing principles and fundamentals of an Islamic economy....
March, 2021
31 March
Book: Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice
The essays in this collection offer insights into key issues in Islamic feminist scholarship, ranging from interreligious love, child marriage, polygamy, and divorce to stoning, segregation, seclusion, and...