Focusing on al-Ḥaraka al-Islamiyya fī Nayjīriyā (Islamic Movement in Nigeria), which is the largest Shia group in the country, this article examines Shia’s growth and social relations between its members and...
July, 2023
16 July
The Jurisprudential Views of Imam Khumayni on Music
This article, written by Mina Avanj (a doctoral student in the field of Iranian Revolutionary History), aims to explore Imam Khumayni’s views on music and examine the theoretical developments he made in this regard....
13 July
Shīʻī Theology: A Translation of Kashf al-Murad fī Sharḥ Tajrīd al-I‘tiqād
Shi‘i Theology is a translation of the seminal Arabic work Kashf al-Murad fi Sharh Tajrid al-I‘tiqad, a cornerstone of Twelver Shi‘i theology that has long served as a foundational textbook in seminaries. It is the most distinguished commentary on Tajrid al-I‘tiqad by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s (d. 1274) whose life and …
10 July
Politics of Non-Motherhood in Shi’a Islam
The focus and interest in this article are to investigate representations, moral and theological contemporary imagery of non-motherhood in Shi’a Islam by looking into the case of Lady Fatemeh-Masoumeh of Qom as a....
5 July
From the Divine to the Human Contemporary Islamic Thinkers on Evil, Suffering, and the Global Pandemic
Featuring the work of leading contemporary Muslim philosophers and theologians, this book grapples with various forms of evil and suffering in the world today, from COVID-19 and issues in climate change to problems in palliative care and...
5 July
Unearthing Abraham’s Altar: The Cultic Dimensions of dīn, islām, and ḥanīf in the Qurʾan
This study discusses three fundamental Qurʾanic terms and argues that each has a salient cultic dimension. These terms are dīn, islām, and ḥanīf. The common understanding of these concepts, both in Islamic learning and in modern scholarship, generally does not emphasize or...
3 July
The Necessity of the Formation of a Modern Marjaʿīiyah in Twelver Shia Marjaʿīiyah Institution
The present study concludes that the modern Marjaʿīiyah is completely different from the traditional Marjaʿīiyah and recommends further studies on the social necessities of this formation through field...
June, 2023
28 June
The Way of Nobility: Knowledge of the Imam
The Way of Nobility: Knowledge of the Imam (Minhāj al-karāma fī maʿrifat al-imāma) is one of the most celebrated works in favour of the Shīʿī belief in the Imāma...
26 June
Hajj; A Small Resurrection Day
The people of the world are usually aware of two kinds of journey. One journey is that which is made to earn livelihood which includes business, immigration and educational trips. The second one is that which is undertaken for pleasure and sightseeing and...
22 June
Forgiveness Work: Mercy, Law, and Victims’ Rights in Iran
Iran’s criminal courts are notorious for meting out severe sentences—according to Amnesty International, the country has the world’s highest rate of capital punishment per capita. Less known to outside observers, however, is the Iranian criminal code’s recognition of forgiveness, where victims of...