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Global Dynamics of Shi’a Marriages +PDF

Since temporary marriages are primarily practiced within the Shi‘a school of Islam, the research and studies in the book are predominantly based on evidence from this specific community. The studies within the book can benefit individuals of all ages, from youth onward.

These studies present evidence from both the past and the present, addressing long-standing confusions related to the concept of temporary marriage that people from various backgrounds and schools of thought may have. The content in the articles is well-structured, smoothly transitioning from one point to another. The book includes real-life stories supported by concrete evidence and sources, making them relatable, sympathetic, and empathetic.

Muslim marriages have been the focus of considerable public debate in Europe and beyond, in Muslim-majority countries as well as in settings where Muslims are a minority. Most academic work has focused on how the majority Sunni Muslims conclude marriages. This volume, in contrast, focuses on Twelver Shi’a Muslims in Iran, Pakistan, Oman, Indonesia, Norway, and the Netherlands. The volume makes an original contribution to understanding the global dynamics of Shi’a marriage practices in a wide range of contexts–not only its geographical spread but also by providing a critical analysis of the socio-economic, religious, ethnic, and political discourses of each context. The book sheds light on new marriage forms presented through a bottom up approach focusing on the lived experiences of Shi’a Muslims negotiating a diverse range of relationships and forms of belonging.

About the Author (S)

YAFA SHANNEIK is a lecturer in Islamic studies at the University of Birmingham in the UK.

ANNELIES MOORS is an anthropologist and professor emerita at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Global Dynamics of Shi’a Marriages: Religion, Gender, and Belonging (Politics of Marriage and Gender

Author (s): Yafa Shanneik & Annelies Moors

Contributors: Annelies Moors, Yafa Shanneik, Mary Elaine Hegland, Anna-Maria Walter, Jihan Safar, Marianne Hafnor Bøe, Eva Nisa, Sophie Yvie Girard and Tara Asgarilaleh

Publisher:  Rutgers University Press

Language: English

Length: 176

ISBN: 9781978818460

Pub. Date: October 15, 2021

Global Dynamics of Shi’a Marriages

About Ali Teymoori

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