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Your Questions Answered Vol. I +PDF

This book includes many questions and answers which are related to Islam and Islamic law and religions and Muslims and Shia and many other burning and considerable questions and answers.

Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania frequently receives questions on religious matters, not only from Africa but from Europe and U.S.A. also. Among the correspondents are the Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

Some of our members who had seen the replies from time to time suggested to me to compile the questions with the answers in a book, so that its benefit may reach a wider circle. This book is published in response to their request.

This book contains most of the questions received and replied during 1968-71. Only two questions (nos. 59 & 88) of earlier period have been included here for obvious reasons .

The main object of this book is to enhance the religious knowledge of the Shia Ithna-Asheris and is primarily meant for them only.

The first edition of this book, although poorly-printed, proved very popular and all copies were sold out in record time. Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Al-Husaini Shirazi, Mujtahid (Kuwait), and other scholars highly appreciated the book. Some parts were reprinted in the Muslim Review, Madrasatul-Waezeen, Lucknow (India).

Encouraged by this the Mission is reprinting it by offset process on good-quality paper; the type-face is sure to please the discerning taste.

The first edition contained replies to 142 questions; but some replies only referred the questioner to some books or articles without conveying any detail. Such questions have been omitted from this edition, which now contains 131 replies.

Also, the first edition contained names of the correspondents which have been deleted from this edition, except where the name was thought necessary.

Our readers will be glad to learn that the second volume of this book is already in press; and the third volume has been compiled, and is expected to be published in 1976, Insha-Allah.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Your Questions Answered Vol. I

Author: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Publisher:  Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

 Language: English

Length: 53

ISBN:  978-1494398293

Pub. Date:  2014/04/23

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About Ali Teymoori

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