This dissertation examines the practice of legal disputations (munāẓara, pl. munāẓarāt, sometimes referred to as jadal or mujādala) among Muslim jurists of the 5th/11th century in Iraq and Persia. It does so by focusing on...
February, 2022
26 February
Protecting the Citadel of Islam in the Modern Era: A Case of Shiʿi Mujtahids and the Najaf Seminary in Early Twentieth-Century Iraq
The concept of protecting the Citadel of Islam (Hifẓ Bayzat al-Islam), is common in the lexicon of Shiʿi political jurisprudence. It refers to those Islamic principles and foundations without which the...
24 February
Book Review by Ali Quli Qara’i: An Introduction to Shia Islam
The book, was written by Moojan Momen, is an attempt to present a general outline of the doctrines, practices and history of the Imami Shias, or, according to the title, of...
24 February
Appendix al-Sayyid ʿAlī al-Ḥusaynī al-Sīstānī on Uṣūl al-Fiqh in Twelver Shīʿī Thought: Its Importance and Historical Phases
What follows is a translation of the first, and part of the second, introductory discussions in the transcribed notes of al-Sayyid ʿAlī al-Ḥusaynī al-Sīstānī’s (b. 1930) advanced lectures on...
23 February
Did the Prophet Testify to His Own Prophethood and to the Mastership of Imam ʿAlī within the Adhān?
How did Prophet Muḥammad (P.B.U.H) himself enunciate the adhān? Did he testify to his own Prophethood and to the mastership (wilāyah) of Imam ʿAlī (P.B.U.H) within the...
22 February
Book: Manifestation of Monotheism: Hajj from Imam Khomeini’s Viewpoint
Imam Khomeini was always attentive to the issue of hajj as one of the most important concerns of Muslims and the world of Islam...
20 February
Inquiries about Islam by Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Chirri
If you are a Muslim, read this book out of the obligation to acquire knowledge. If you are a Jew or Christian, read it for the same devout motive....
20 February
Philosophy of Islamic Laws by Ayatollahs Makarem Shirazi & Jafar Sobhani
In this book, the authors have endeavored to reply to over a hundred commonly asked questions about Islamic laws and practices and have also explained the reasons being various Islamic directives....
19 February
The Function and Challenges of Sharia Court in Applications of Islamic Law in Ethiopia
The discourse on sharia courts, fraught as it is with a plethora of complexities is one of the most challenging, yet compelling domain of disquisition and articulation within contemporary socio legal debate and...
15 February
Knowing the Imams: the Knowledge of Imam Ali and his Judgments
Abi Talib, was the most learned one after the Messenger of God, as an Silica and Sunnis unanimously believe, as do the extremists and the Nawsib, and even non-Muslims, such as Jews, Christians, and untouchables. For Islam, with its foundation in tawhid, all the rungs of the ladder to holiness …