In this study, we aim to portray the magnificent personality of the great unique man of Islamic history by expressing a brief point of the virtues of...
April, 2023
11 April
Imam Ali and Citizens’ Rights
The main claim of this paper is that Imam Ali (599-661), the most revered religious scholar among Shiite Muslims, made the first explicit attempt to conceptualise rights in the history of...
6 April
Anglophone Islam: A New Conceptual Category
In this paper, Dr. Abdul-Azim Ahmed seeks to propose a new concept for contemporary Islamic studies, that of Anglophone Islam, which will allow a broader range of scholarship to be contextualized in....
3 April
MA Thesis: “The 12 Shiah Imams: Infallible or Imaginary?”
this thesis argues that the infallibility of the 12 Shia Imams is grounded in early Shia literature, has shaped Shia theology, and has become a significant part of the Shia identity today....
1 April
PhD Thesis: Muslim Populations in a Western Context: Lived Experience of Stigma and Marginalization
This research examined the lived experiences of Muslim populations in Western societies with a focus on stigma and marginalization....
March, 2023
29 March
Book: Islamic Religious Education in Europe
This Book offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary Islamic Religious Education....
23 March
Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries
This volume contains editions and commentaries of hitherto un-edited manuscripts from the various strands of the Shiʿite tradition of Islamic thought (Zaydi, Ismaʿili and...
22 March
A Comparison of Women’s Position in the Tasnim Exegesis of the Qur’an and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 2030 Education Framework
This research has employed descriptive and text analysis methods as well as library and field research methods to do a comparative study on international documents and the articles of these...
13 March
Human Rights in Islamic Societies: Muslims and the Western Conception of Rights
This book compares Islamic and Western ideas of human rights in order to ascertain which human rights, if any, can be considered universal. This is a profound topic with a rich history that is highly relevant within global politics and...
9 March
Boundaries of Life and Death from the Viewpoint of Shi‘i Islamic Jurisprudence
The article provides an overview of the various opinions, theories and debate concerning the boundaries of human life (the beginning and end of human life) in Shi‘i Islam and the important consequences in terms of the use of...