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Minority Rights According to the Law of the Tribute Agreement+PDF

The writer, considering the concepts of the International Law from an Islamic view-point, thoroughly deals with the question of religious minorities from two following aspects.

The writer, considering the concepts of the International Law from an Islamic view-point, thoroughly deals with the question of religious minorities from two aspects: He, firstly, tries to bring about a better understanding of minority rights by describing the rights and liberties granted by Islam to them, and then refutes the unjust accusation of the West regarding the religious compulsion. It is explicitly discussed in this book that the attraction of Islam, and its logical methods of conversation, the negation of the imposition of religion, and the spirit of co-existence as well as peacefulness granted is in a way that there has not been so much conflict between the Muslim people and minorities in the Islamic lands.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Minority Rights According to the Law of the Tribute Agreement

Author: Abbasali Amid Zanjani

Publisher:  International Publishing Co

 Language: English

Length: 356

ISBN: 964-304-060-7

Pub. Date: 2000/04/20

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