In this dissertation, the writer studies the political thought of a scholar and political actor who has long been viewed as a...
February, 2020
2 February
Child Custody in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century
Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim analyzes how these two concepts -the nurturing and upkeep of children, or 'custody', and caring for the child's education, discipline, and property- relate to the welfare of the child, and traces the development of an...
2 February
Shi’i Jurisprudence and Constitution: Revolution in Iran
The book is focusing substantially on the relation between the concept of constitutionalism and Islamic Law in general and how such relation is specifically reflected in the...
January, 2020
28 January
Shi’ism and the Democratisation Process in Iran: With a Focus on Wilayat al-Faqih
In this book the writer draws on the history and theological underpinnings of Shi'i Islam to argue that in today's Iran, politi and religion are neither rigid nor in...
26 January
Political Thought in Contemporary Shi‘a Islam
This book offers an intellectual history of one of the leading Shi’i thinkers and religious leaders of the 20th-century in...
26 January
The Core Concepts of the ‘Four Principles’ of Bioethics as Found in Islamic Tradition
In this study the writer aims to explore the roots of the 'Four Principles' in Islamic tradition and culture, and show that this particular set of principles are not something new but only...
23 January
Personal Autonomy in Health Settings and Shi’i Islamic Jurisprudence
The rationale of this paper has been to high-light the conflict between the patients’ right to personalautonomy and medical and social...
20 January
Book: The Canonization of Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History
By tracing the formulation, reception, interpretation and spread of al-Shāfi'ī's ideas, the author demonstrates how the canonization of scripture that lay at the heart of al-Shāfi'ī's theory formed the basis for the emergence of...
20 January
Article: Rethinking Taqlid in the Early Shafi’i School
In this essay, the writer will pursue an alternative strategy towards reconstructing the history of taqlid within the early...
18 January
Article: Being a Young British Iraqi Shi’i in London
Relying on an ethnographic research conducted both in the UK and Iraq, this article explores issues of cultural and religious identities among London-based young British Iraqi Shiis. Using Stuart Hall’s notions of...