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Role of Halal-Friendly Destination Performances, Value, Satisfaction, and Trust in Generating Destination Image and Loyalty

In order to gain a clear, comprehensive insight for the tourism industry, this research aimed to design a robust conceptual model that illustrated the distinctive halal-friendly destination performances in generating destination loyalty for particular non-OIC countries.

The study also aimed to investigate the key role of the moderator effect of an overall halal-friendly destination image on the association with developed model variables. The findings of this study were expected to provide insights and directions into the structural elements of the halal tourism industry to be applicable in the marketing and operational strategies to maximize the Muslim tourist travel experience.

Despite the notable growth of the halal tourism market on the global stage, little research has been offered to observe the intricate procedures involved in Muslim tourists’ behaviour toward a non-OIC (‘Organization of Islamic Cooperation’) destination. This study aimed to investigate such behaviour formation by examining the relationships among halal-friendly destination performances, perceived value, destination satisfaction, destination trust, and destination loyalty. A psychometric analytical process was employed to achieve this goal. The findings of the structural analysis revealed that halal-friendly destination performances highly and positively associated with the responsiveness developed constructs, which significantly contribute to predict Muslim tourists’ attitudes and future desire toward a destination. In addition, the moderator effect of an overall halal-friendly destination image was evaluated on the conceptual model. Implications for tourism destination developers and marketers are discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Role of Halal-Friendly Destination Performances, Value, Satisfaction, and Trust in Generating Destination Image and Loyalty

Authors: Amr Al-Ansi, Heesup Han

Published in: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 13 (2019)

 Language: English

Length: 10 pages

Role of halal-friendly destination performances

About Ali Teymoori

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