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November, 2021

  • 29 November

    The Status of Mothers in Islam

    In glorifying the position of a mother, Islam has not confined itself to advice, injunctions and a series of verbal counsels, but as a legislator, it has also regarded the command and prohibition by a mother as...

  • 23 November

    Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 2

    ashf al-Murad is one of the most widely read of Allamah al-Hilli's publications as it is the first commentary written on Allamah al-Tusi's work. This part continues with discussions on the proofs for the Imamate of Ali, his superiority to the...

  • 20 November

    Book: A Short Treatise on the Life of Imam Ali (as)

    This book “A Short Treatise on Life of Imam Ali (‘a)” discusses different aspects of the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a). The author discusses the following topics: Ali & Politics and...

  • 19 November

    The Role of Taqlid in Human Life

    Human beings constantly require accurate and authentic information in order to make correct choices; choices that may lead them towards a successful attainment of their respective goals....

  • 17 November

    The Saqifah Conspiracy: An Analytic Study of the Most Critical Event in the Political History of Islam

    The first political, yet conspiratorial, conference that was held in Islam was the Saqifah Conference, which was held immediately after the passing away of the Holy Prophet (s) and before his holy body was...

  • 13 November

    An Introduction to al-Tabarsi’s Makarim al-Akhlaq

    The book Makarim al-Akhlaq, by Shaykh Abu Nasr Hasan b. Fadl al-Tabarsi, a scholar in the sixth century A.H, is one of the most renowned works, which has become an important source of Islamic morality and...

  • 12 November

    Allamah al-Hilli on Imamate in his Kashf al-Murad, Part 1

    This is a chapter on the responses to objections raised against Imamate from prominent scholar Allamah Hilli's Kashf al-Murad, expanded on from Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's...

  • 8 November

    Article: Zakat and Khums as Two Obligatory Alms in Islam

    Economic issues have always been of the main concerns of human beings and have had an important role in their lives. Governments study various effective ways to secure people's basic needs, and religious figures and institutions have always considered one of...

  • 8 November

    Book: The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology

    The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the current state of the field. It provides a variegated picture of the state of the...

  • 6 November

    Book: Reformation and Development in the Muslim World

    This book explores how the recent development of Muslim countries as a group has fallen far short of non-Muslim countries, which, some have concluded, may be a result of Islamic teachings. The authors examine Muslim countries over time, viewing their progression on the Islamicity scale. They assess why some countries …

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