The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia has published an entry on the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a separate book....
September, 2022
3 September
Women in Classical Islamic Law: A Survey of the Sources
Drawing on legal and ḥadīth texts from the formative and classical periods of Islamic legal history, this book offers an overview of the development of the questions prominent jurists asked and answered about....
3 September
The Shrines of the ‘Alids in Medieval Syria: Sunnis, Shi’is and the Architecture of Coexistence
This study argues that despite the common identification of shrines as ‘Shi’i’ spaces, they have in fact always been unique places of pragmatic intersectarian exchange and shared piety, even - and perhaps especially - during periods of...
August, 2022
31 August
Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sijistānī in Modern Scholarship
Although al-Sijistānī was a leading figure in the development of Ismāʿīlī philosophy, particularly its Neoplatonism, serious investigation of his writing has been slow to enter modern scholarship, in part because his works have remained inaccessible until...
27 August
The School of Hillah and the Formation of Twelver Shi’i Islamic Tradition
This book argues that Imami Shi'ism is better understood as a discursive tradition, and that from the late Abbasid to the post-Ilkhanid period, Hillah, in southern Iraq, was a center of scholarship, debate and...
25 August
Classical Naṣṣ Doctrines in Imāmī Shīʿism: On the Usage of an Expository Term
This article reexamines the use of the term naṣs, which since Marshall Hodgson has been used in modern historiography to refer to an indigenous Shīʿī mechanism of succession to the imamate....
25 August
Was Muḥammad Amīn al-Astarabādī a Mujtahid?
Since the turn of the twentieth century, the main biographical sources and studies dealing with the life and thought of Muḥammad Amīn al-Astarabādī (d. 1036/1626-7) have upheld the view that he....
24 August
The ‘Alids: The First Family of Islam, 750-1200
This book provides the first social history of the ‘Alids in the crucial five centuries from the 'Abbasid Revolution to the Saljuqs (second/eighth to sixth/twelfth centuries).....
21 August
The Emergence of Modern Shi’ism: Islamic Reform in Iraq and Iran
Thought provoking and challenging, this book examines the foundations of modern Islam, and provides fascinating insight into the region's religious and political developments both...
15 August
Zayn al-Dīn al-ʿĀmilī’s Kashf al-Rība ʿan Aḥkām al-Ghība and Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ ʿUlūm al-Dīn
The treatise Kashf al-rība ʿan aḥkām al-ghība (“The Removal of Doubt from the Rules concerning Malicious Gossip”) was composed in 949/1542 by the famous Twelver jurist Zayn al-Dīn al-ʿĀmilī (d. 965/1558), known as...