Home / Conferences / Call for papers: The Fifth International Conference on Shiʻi Studies

Call for papers: The Fifth International Conference on Shiʻi Studies

The Islamic College of London invites abstracts to be submitted for its fifth conference specialising in the flourishing field of Shi‘i studies.

This conference will provide a broad platform for scholars in Shi‘i studies to share their latest research. Papers are welcome on any aspect of Shi‘i studies.

Suggested Topics Include:




-Contemporary Issues

-Law and jurisprudence

-Shiʻi Studies in the Hawzah and/or the Seminary

-Quran and Hadith Studies

-Anthropological Studies


-Shiʻi Minority

-Shiʻism and Orientalism

-Authority in Shiʻism

-Inter-Religious Cross-Disciplinary, or Comparative Studies

-Shiʻi Sects, Past and Present

-Shiʻi Manuscripts

Important Data

Conference Date: 27th – 28th April 2019
Location: The Islamic College, London, UK
Abstract submission deadline: 3rd February 2019
E-mail abstracts to: shiistudies@islamic-college.ac.uk

About Ali Teymoori

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