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Youth Have to Be Fully Ready for Liberation of Palestine

Quds Day this year is different. Possibilities of Palestine’s liberation rise. And hereby, we call on our nation’s youth and especially the Bahraini youth to be fully ready for the liberation of Palestine.”

Bahrain scholars highlighted importance of Al-Quds Day as the day of uprising by oppressed people against international arrogance.

“The leader of oppressed people, Imam Khomeini, had designated the last Friday of Ramadan holy month to be a day of liberty from tyranny and oppression, a day of uprising against Satans and corruptive people. Al-Quds Day is a day for all Muslims. Yet, it is a day for all oppressed people (across world),” the scholars said in a statement on Wednesday.

They called on Muslims and especially Bahrainis to take part in Quds Day rallies.

“Quds Day this year is different. Possibilities of Palestine’s liberation rise. And hereby, we call on our nation’s youth and especially the Bahraini youth to be fully ready for the liberation of Palestine.”

The statement urged Bahrainis to take part in what they called “Friday of Challenge”, in defiance of the Zionist entity, and its collaborators in a bid to confront the conspiracy and the so-called ‘deal of the century’.

The scholars meanwhile denounced Bahraini regime’s hosting of conference which will witness the announcement of the economic plan of US President Donald Trump’s so-called ‘deal of the century’.

“That ‘deal of shame’… they want to desecrate the land of Bahrain by hosting its conference,” the statement said.

source: almanar

About Ali Teymoori

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