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Fasting Muslims Save People from UK Tower Fire

A group of Muslims from a mosque in the British capital London have committed a heroic act by rushing into a burning block tower to save people sleeping inside.

The WTX News said in a Saturday report that Muslim worshippers who had been leaving Madina Mosque in London’s Hackney neighborhood risked their lives to enter the building when they saw the blaze overnight.

The report said the Muslim men spotted the fire on the eighth floor of Gooch House on Kenninghall Road when they finished their morning prayer and left the mosque.

It said although fasting because of the holy month of Ramadan, the men forcibly entered the building, went to the top floor and started banging on doors and waking everyone up. They worked their way down from the 18th floor trying to inform and rescue people.

“They made sure everyone got out. They knocked on each door until someone opened,” a local resident told the website, adding, “There was six or seven of them and they were only young. If it wasn’t for them we would never have got out.”

“They banged on our doors shouting: ‘Fire, fire, get out’ … They helped my mum downstairs while I took my wife and checked on an elderly resident on the first floor who is recovering from cancer,” said another resident of Gooch House.

The report said it was because of Ramadan, the month in which Muslims frequent mosques, that a group larger than usual of Muslim men was in the area to respond to the emergency.

It said by the time the firefighters reached the scene everyone had been brought to safety.

The blaze, reportedly caused by a discarded cigarette, was taken under control in less than an hour and only one person needed treatment for smoke inhalation, said the WTX News.

About Ali Teymoori

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