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The Wise Teachings of Jesus Christ in the Words of Prophet Muhammad and the Purified Imams

Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) has an elevated station within Islam. In the Quran and Hadith (sacred narrations) quoted from the Prophet of Islam and his family. Jesus is always referred to in a glorified manner. For this very reason, a great number of teachings and instructive saying of Jesus (PBUH) have been passed dwon in volumes of Hadith. These traditions can serve as enlightening because of guidance which provides beneficial lessons on how to live one’s life.

Originating from one and the same divine source, many of the world’s religions are bound to each other in different ways.

The varying differences that exist between these religions have been due to the inroads of history and the distortions brought about therein. The emergence of each successive religion has been for the sake of salvaging the previous ones from the evil clutches of distortion. Thus, having faith in the last Prophet and God’s final religion doesn’t mean the denouncement of previous faiths, but is rather a step forward in the quest for a more inclusive truth.

Jesus Christ (Peace be upon Him) has an elevated station within Islam. In the Quran and Hadith (sacred narrations) quoted from the Prophet of Islam and his family, Jesus (PBUH) is always referred to in a glorified manner. For this very reason, a great number of teachings and instructive sayings of Jesus (PBUH) have been passed down in volumes of Hadith. These traditions can serve as enlightening beacons of guidance which provide beneficial lessons on how to live one’s life.

The collection before you consists of forty wise sayings and teachings of Jesus (PBUH).

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Wise Teachings of Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H) in the Words of Prophet Muhammad and the Purified Imams (P.B.U.H.T).

Compiler: M.J. Shabani Mofrad

Translator: Dr. Yaser Hadidi

Publication: Saboori Publications

Language: English

Length: 48 pages

ISBN: 9789647435673

Pub. Date: 2016

The Wise Teachings of Jesus Christ

About Ali Teymoori

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