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The Universalism of Imam Musa Sadr: A Relevant Approach to Contemporary Uncertainty +PDF

This paper addresses topics and reveals how Imam Musa Sadr foresaw, as early as the 1960s, the threats we are facing today. After touching on the concept of universalism, we will discuss how it has been addressed within Islam as a whole and by Imam Musa Sadr in particular.

Then, we will examine how Sadr saw in Lebanon a bearer of civilization to the world, based on the country’s confessional and cultural diversity, and called for dialogue as a means to build a human community that strives for perfection. He established a participatory approach to development, reflecting faith in humans and their capabilities, beginning with there storation of confidence in oneself and in others.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Universalism of Imam Musa Sadr: A Relevant Approach to Contemporary Uncertainty

Author: Raed H. Charafeddine

Published in: Transcend Media Service (TMS), 4 Sep 2017.

 Language: English

Length: 26 pages

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