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The Status of Women under Islamic Law and Modern Islamic Legislation

This book is believed to be the first of its kind written by a renowned Muslim lawyer in the English language, and by an Arab author who is probably the leading authority writing in English in the subject of Islamic law (the Sharia), and modern Islamic legislation.

There has long been a need for an objective study such as this dealing with the legal rights and obligations of women under the Sharia and under modern Arab Islamic legislation. Seen within the broad principles of Islamic law, the book examines the status of women with regard to marriage, the iddat, parentage and fosterage and custody, and fi lls an important gap left by recent and more general publications on Islamic law.
The author has researched original Arabic and Islamic text books and reviewed legislation in the different Arab countries in order to present the most up-to-date information on the subject. It is hoped that this clear, objective account will dispel many of the commonly-held misconceptions about the status of Muslim women in the modern world. This book will provide an enlightenment and deeper understanding of the subject, not only for legal practitioners, but for all those concerned, or with an interest in the subject, particularly Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries, indeed non-Muslim women who may be, or indeed non-Muslim women who may be married to Muslims.

About the Author

Jamal J. Nasir, BA (Hons), Ph.D. (London) has maintained close contact with his roots in Arabism and Islam while spending many years in practice in the UK, Europe and the States. He has also practiced in many Arab States, being a member of the Jordan and other Arab Bars. The author was formerly Minister of Justice in Jordan, and acting Foreign Minister, where he supervised a radical re-organisation of the Judiciary. This experience provided him with a rare insight into the working and application of the Sharia Law and modern Arab legislation on various aspects of Arab laws. The author has had a number of books published previously, as well as many legal and political articles in international journals. This book particularly supplements an earlier study by the author entitled The Islamic Law of Personal Status which has already become the authoritative textbook in the English language on this important subject, and a reliable reference book for many courts around the world. The author is also legal adviser to several Arab Embassies in London.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Status of Women under Islamic Law and Modern Islamic Legislation

Author(s): Jamal J. Nasir

Publisher: ‎BRILL

Length: 247 pages

ISBN: 978-90-04-17273-9

Pub. Date: 24 Apr 2009

The Status of Women under Islamic Law and Modern Islamic Legislation

About Ali Teymoori

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