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Optimal Design for the Halal Food Logistics Network

This research made an optimal design of the logistics network for Halal food by applying operations research (OR). Though the general logistics system and the Halal logistics system share similar objectives to minimize costs, the Halal logistics system has additional regulations to follow.

The contributions of this study can be explained as the conversion of Halal rules into quantitative elements, such as the permitted distance to keep.

This paper investigates the optimal location and allocation of the Halal food logistics network, which include farms, butcheries and food plants that follow strict Islamic food regulations. A mathematical model is developed by reflecting the chain effect from Haram facilities and the solution procedures, which use CPLEX and hybrid genetic algorithm, are suggested to derive an optimal design for Halal food logistics network. The numerical experiment shows that the overall Halal food logistics network is well developed according to Halal regulations. It is observed that the chain effect from Haram facilities is more intensified when the permitted distance is extended.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Optimal Design for the Halal Food Logistics Network

Authors: Sung Il Kwag Young Dae Ko

Published in: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 128, August 2019

 Language: English

Length: 17 pages

Optimal Design for the Halal Food Logistics Network

About Ali Teymoori

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