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Lessons in Islamic Laws+PDF

This book aims to build the Islamic fiqh culture according to the school of the Ahlul Bayt amongst the youth and the teenagers. It is the second in a series of books on Islamic culture made easy, the first being ‘Islamic Belief System in Ten Lessons.

Islamic jurisprudence represents one of the important axes of Islamic culture, since it includes as many Qur’anic verses and a large number of the Prophetic traditions include the explanation of various legislative rulings, and the Muslims pay a great deal of attention to compiling the many and valuable legislative writings whether they be with proofs and reasoning or just straightforward rulings. Despite the above, this book of ours does not reach those levels as it is a simplified book of Islamic Laws (Fiqh), whose aim is to build the Islamic fiqh culture according to the school of the Ahlul Bayt amongst the youth and the teenagers. However, it has a rare distinguishing quality not found in other books, which is that it was written in difficult and exceptional conditions, when we were imprisoned with the rest of our relatives – some of whom were martyred at that time – along with thousands of believing youths who were yarning for the Islamic culture and to learn the Islamic rulings. This book has been written according to the verdicts of his highness my father, with simplifications, and I have named it ‘Lessons in Islamic Laws’. It is the second in a series of books on Islamic culture made easy, the first being ‘Islamic Belief System in Ten Lessons’. I ask the Creator, the Most High, to make it purely for His sake and that the growing generation may benefit from it. Indeed He is most High, Hearing and Answering. (Riyadh al-Hakim )

Bibliographic Information

Title: Lessons in Islamic Laws, Based on the verdicts of His Eminence the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem

Author:  sayyid Riyadh al-Hakim

Translators: Bilqis & Zahra Davdani

 Language: English


Pub. Date: 2014/05/05

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About Ali Teymoori

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