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Imamiyah (Shiite): An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudential Sects

Famous Akhbārī Jurists

–         Muhammad Amīn Astarābādī 1036 A. H.),

–         Mawlá Ṣāliḥ Māzandarānī (1080),

–         Mawlá Muhammad Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī (1090)

–         Muhammad b. Ḥasan Ḥurr ‘Āmilī (1104 A. H.),

–         Sayyid Hāshim Baḥrānī,

–         Mawlá Muhammad Bāqir Majlisī (1110 A. H.),

–         Sayyid Ni‘mat Allah Jazā’irī,

–         Sheikh Abdu Allah Samāhījī,

–         Sheikh Āli ‘Uṣfūr Baḥrānī (1186 A. H.),

–         Sheikh Ḥusein b. Muhammad Baḥrānī,



Jurisprudential Texts

–         Al-adā’iq al-Nāirah fī Akām al-‘Itrah al-āhirah: written by the traditionist jurist Sheikh Yūsuf Baḥrānī (1107-1186). It is a comprehensive and detailed book, containing ideas, opinions, Uṣūlī reasons, and the whole traditions received from the Prophet (S.A.W) and infallible Imams (A.S.). However, the author has discussed, only, until the chapter on divorce. This book is published in 25 volumes.

–         Riyā al-Masā’il fī Bayān al-Akām bi-al-Dalā’il: known as Shar Kabīr written by Sayyid Ali b. Muhammad Ali Ṭabāṭabā’ī Ḥā’irī (1161-1231). It is a brief commentary on al-Mukhtaar. It is sound, precise and notable among jurists.


Critics of Akhbārism

–         Sheikh Fakhr al-Dīn Ṭarīḥī, the writer of Majma‘ al-Baḥrayn (1085),

–         Sayyid Ḥusein Khānsārī,

–         Mawlá Muhammad Bāqir b. Muhammad Akmal, known as Waḥīd Bihbahānī (1205 A.H.), 

–         Sayyed Ali Ṭabāṭabā’ī,

–         Sheikh Muhammad b. Ḥusein ‘Abd al-Raḥīm Ṭihrānī,

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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