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Imamiyah (Shiite): An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudential Sects

Jurisprudential Texts with Regard to Issuing Fatwas and Teaching

–         Al-Nihāyah: written by Muhammad b. Ḥasan Ṭūsī, known as Sheikh Ṭūsī. This book was the pivot of teaching, interpretations, and commentaries until the time of Muḥaqqiq Ḥillī (for about three centuries).

–         Sharāyi‘ al-Islām fī Masā’il al-Ḥalāl wa al-arām: written by Muḥaqqiq Ḥillī (602-676). An interesting and the best Shi’a jurisprudential textbook that is translated in many languages. The author demonstrates his proficiency at powerful lucid expression, and dividing issues in different chapters. Al-Mukhtaar al-Nāfi‘, is another book of Sheikh Ṭūsī, which is an abridgement of Sharāyi‘ al-Islām. Jurists have paid attention to this book and have written some interpretations on it.

–         Tabirah al-Muta‘allimīn: written by Ḥasan b. Yusuf b. Muṭahhar Asadī.

–         Al-Lum‘ah al-Damishqīyah: written by blessed martyr Muhammad, b. Makkī b. Muhammad b. Ḥāmid b. Ahmad al-Damishqī al-Nibṭī al-‘Āmilī (734-786). This book along with its interpretation, under the title of al-Rawah al-Bahiyah fī Shar Al-Lum‘ah al-Damishqīyah, is a textbook of Shi’a seminaries.


The most important Uṣūlī texts

–         Al-Dharī‘ah ilá al-Uūl al-Sharī‘ah, Sayyid Murtaḍā,

–         ‘Uddah al-Uūl, Sheikh Ṭūsī,

–         Ma‘ārij al-Uūl, Muḥaqqiq Ḥillī,

–         Nihāyah al-Uūl, ‘Allāmah Ḥillī,

–         Tamhīd al-Qawā‘id, Shahīd al-Thānī,

–         Ma‘ālim al-Uūl, Sheikh Muhammad Ḥasan b. Shahīd al-Thānī,

–         Zubdah al-Uūl, Sheikh Bahā’ī,

–         Al-Fawā’id al-Madanīyah, Muhammad Amīn Astarābādī,

–         Al-Fawā’id al-Ḥā’irīyah, Waḥīd Bihbahānī,

–         Al-Wāfīyah fī al-Uūl, Fāḍil Tūnī,

–         Sharḥ al-Wāfīyah, Sayyid Ṣadr al-Dīn Qumī,

–         Qawānīn al-Uūl, Mīrzā-yi Qumī,

–         Al-Fuṣūl fī ‘Ilm al-Uūl, Sheikh Muhammad Ḥusein b. ‘Abd al-Raḥīm,

–         Farā’id al-Uūl, Sheikh Anṣārī,

–         Badā’i‘ al-Afkār, Mīrzā Ḥabīb Allah Rashtī,

–         Baḥr al-Fawā’id, Mīrzā Muhammad Ḥasan Āshtiyānī,

–         Kifāyah al-Uūl, Muḥaqqiq Khurāsānī (Ākhūnd),

–         Nihāyah al-Dirāyah, Muḥaqqiq Isfahanī (Kumpānī),

–         Fawā’id al-Uūl, recounting of Nā’īnī’s presentations by Kāzimī,

–         Ajwad al-Taqrīrāt, recounting of Nā’īnī’s presentations written by Ayatollah Khu’ī,

–         Durar al-Fawā’id, Sheikh ‘Abdu al-Karīm Ḥā’irī,

–         Maqālāt al-Uūl, Āqā Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn Iraqi,

–         Nihāyah al-Afkār, recounting of Āqā Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn Iraqi’s presentations written by Muhammad Taqī Brūjirdī,

–         Badā’i‘ al-Afkār, recounting of Āqā Ḍiyā’ al-Dīn Iraqi’s presentations written by Mīrzā Ḥāshim Āmulī,

–         Manāhij al-Wuṣūl ilá ‘Ilm al-Uūl, imam Khomeini,

–         Tahdhib al-Uūl, recounting of imam Khomeini’s presentations written by Sheikh Ja‘far Subḥānī,

–         Muḥāḍirāt fī Uṣūl al-Fiqh, recounting of Ayatollah Khu’ī’s presentations written by Fayyāḍ,

–         Miṣbāḥ al-Uūl, recounting of Ayatollah Khu’ī’s presentations written by Sayyid Muhammad Sarwar Wā‘iẓ Ḥuseinī Bihbūdī,

–         Dirāsāt al-Uūl, recounting of Ayatollah Khu’ī’s presentations written by Sayyid Ali Shāhrūdī,

–         Jawāhir al-Uūl, recounting of Ayatollah Khu’ī’s presentations written by Fakhr al-Dīn Zanjānī,

–         Maṣābīḥ al-Uūl, recounting of Ayatollah Khu’ī’s presentations written by ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Baḥr al-‘Ulūm,

–         Buḥūth fī ‘Ilm al-Uūl, recounting of Sadr’s presentations written by Sheikh Maḥmūd hāshimī,

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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