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Citizenship and Accountability of Government: An Islamic Perspective

Offering insight into the Islamic perspective, this volume covers two subjects that have never before been discussed as separate topics in Islamic jurisprudence—citizenship and the accountability of government.

The concepts of citizenship and the accountability of government have never been discussed as separate topics in Islamic Jurisprudence. In Citizenship and Accountability of Government: An Islamic Perspective, Prof. M.H. Kamali brings together these two subjects, traces their origins in the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet and the practice of the first four caliphs; follows their integration under different branches and discussions of the rights and obligations of Muslims in Islamic law; and finally, advances possible applications for each subject to modern Muslim states and to the position of Muslims living in non-Muslim countries.

Citizenship and Accountability of Government: An Islamic Perspective includes discussions of: the definitions of citizenship; the rights of citizens; the duties of citizens; citizenship laws; the concepts of dar al-Islam (abode of Islam); dar al-harb (abode of war) and the dar al-‘ahd (abode of treaty); the ummah and the nation-state; government as a trust; the selection of officials; the relationship between authority and citizens; corruption and the misuse of public funds; despotism and dynastic misrule; the right of complaint; the limits of obedience; impeachment of officials and heads of state; the foundation of institutions of accountability.

In addition to the topics of citizenship and accountability of government, this volume contains a discussion of freedom of movement in Islam which is the last of the fundamental rights in Prof. M.H. Kamali’s series on fundamental rights and liberties in Islam. Freedom of movement is included in this volume as it was never discussed as a separate topic in Islamic jurisprudence and therefore has certain similarities with the two other subjects of this volume.


The definitions of citizenship; the rights of citizens; the duties of citizens; citizenship laws; the concepts of dar al-Islam (abode of Islam), dar al-harb (abode of war) and the dar al-‘ahd (abode of treaty); the ummah and the nation-state; government as a trust; the selection of officials; the relationship between authority and citizens; corruption and the misuse of public funds; despotism and dynastic misrule; the right of complaint; the limits of obedience; impeachment of officials and heads of state; and the foundation of institutions of accountability.

About the Author

Mohammad H. Kamali is a former Professor of Law at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, where he taught Islamic law from 1985-2004 and served as Dean of the Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) from 2004-2006.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Citizenship and Accountability of Government: An Islamic Perspective

Author: Mohammad Hashim Kamali

Publisher:  Islamic Texts Society

 Language: English

Length: 332

ISBN:  978-0521599863

Pub. Date: August 1, 2011

About Ali Teymoori

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