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January, 2021

December, 2020

November, 2020

  • 24 November

    Book: The Basics of Islamic Jurisprudence

    The Islamic legal system organizes people’s lives in all dimensions, individual or social. This system is called 'al-ahkām al-shar‛īyyah'. Islamic jurisprudence explains this system and is one if the deepest and....

  • 14 November

    Walayah as a Response to the Self-Other Dichotomy in European Philosophy

    This text introduces the movement to examine cultures from perspectives that challenge the predominant European discourse, which, since the colonial era, has seen ‘the Self’ (or ‘we’) as Europeans, and ‘the Other’ as people from cultures that are not European, criticize it and...

  • 7 November

    Book: Building a Successful Relationship: The Heavenly Path

    The book takes a detailed look at the cornerstone of society - the relationship between a man and a woman - throughout all the potential phases: the early years of marriage, marriage after children, and marriage after an...

  • 2 November

    Book: Lessons from the Holy Prophet of Islam (S)

    The present work is a collection of excerpts from Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei’s statements about the personality, characteristics and Be’that of the Holy Prophet of Islam...

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