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November, 2021

October, 2021

  • 20 October

    Footage: Tens of Thousands Celebrate the Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (s)

    Tens of thousands of Yemeni people took to streets on Monday to mark Milad al-Nabi, birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Like the years before, Yemeni people celebrated this Islamic holiday in great...

  • 12 October

    Book: Essays on Shi’ism and Iran

    A pioneer in the study of Shi‘ism and contemporary Iran, Hamid Algar’s work is marked by precise attention to detail, a near-unparalleled grasp of languages, and a forthright honesty....

  • 11 October

    A Stereotypical Approach towards Muslim and Islam in Australian Press

    Though it is argued that media in developed countries is more professional than those of developing countries’ media; however, the western media, seemingly, biased towards Muslims and Islam....

  • 4 October

    New Book Release: Who Is Zaynab? +PDF

    Her birth, upbringing, and the events of her life led to what would be her fateful destiny in Karbala, Kufah, and Damascus. God has instilled a boundless potential within each human being to spread goodness and resist evil and corruption, and although every person is born with this basic nature, …

September, 2021

  • 22 September

    To Karbala: Surveying Religious Shiʻa from Iran and Iraq

    This survey captures the attitudes and beliefs of religiously observant Shiites by surveying Iranians and Iraqis on pilgrimage to Karbala for the Shiite holy day of Arba’een. When we conducted this survey in the days leading up to and during the Arba’een celebrations of 2015, 22 million pilgrims reportedly participated in the...

  • 21 September

    Digital Technology and Pilgrimage: Shiʿi Rituals of Arbaʿin in Iraq

    This paper offers a study on the increasing digitization of Shiʿi Muslim rituals of Arbaʿin, observed on the fortieth day after the martyrdom of Husayn, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, at the battlefield of Karbala, Iraq; his shrine here is visited by....

  • 19 September

    Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures: 2010-2020

    A unique collaboration of nearly 300 scholars worldwide, the Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures 2010-2020 is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and...

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