In Understanding Islamic Finance Muhammad Ayub introduces all the essential elements of this growing market by providing an in-depth background to the subject and clear descriptions of all the...
June, 2022
13 June
Islamic Moral Economy Foundations of Islamic Finance
The reform movement in the Muslim world can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth century and the search for authentic Islamic institutions has dominated the objectives of the....
13 June
Muslim Minorities in the West: Between Fiqh of Minorities and Integration
This paper argues that Fiqh of minorities’ scholars attempt to provide legal opinions and solutions for Muslim minorities in the West in order for them to fulfill their role as both good Muslims and...
12 June
Human Rights: A Study of the Universal and the Islamic Declarations of Human Rights
Here is a pioneer Islamic presentation whose fundamental articles were presented by the learned scholar, `Allama Shaikh Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, before the Organization of the...
12 June
Islamic Law and Empire in Ottoman Cairo
James E. Baldwin examines how the interplay of these two conceptions of Islamic law – religious scholarship and royal justice – undergirded legal practice in Cairo, the largest and richest city in the....
11 June
The Political Conduct of Imam Rida while Facing the Revolts at the Time of His Imamate
This article seeks to examine the political conduct of Imam Rida facing the revolts during the period of his Imamate, in order to set an example to Muslims in....
4 June
Robin Woodsworth Carlsen’s Meeting with Imam Khomeini
Robin Woodsworth Carlsen met Imam Khomeini during his third visit to Iran since the Islamic Revolution. Earlier he had written two books on Iran, the first, Crisis in...
4 June
In Pictures: Leading Int’l Figures’ Views on Imam Khomeini
Many prominent international figures, especially the ones known in religious and political arenas, have honored and glorified the Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Imam Khomeini (May his soul rest in peace)....
3 June
Medical Ethics in the views of Imam Khomeini
In essence, Imam (ra) views the medical profession as an invaluable means to worship God and serve creatures of God. According to Imam (ra), seeking divine pleasure should be the...
3 June
Imam Khomeini’s Innovations in Changing Sex in Spousal Sentences
The purpose of this research is to express the innovations of Imam Khomeini in the context of sex change in spouses. Consequently, according to Imam Khomeini, sex change is not...