This book introduces and examines the work of two significant 21st century Christian – Muslim dialogue initiatives – "Building Bridges" and the "Christian–Muslim Theological Forum" – and gives close attention to five theological themes that have been addressed in common by...
December, 2022
7 December
Fatima al-Zahra, The World’s Most Outstanding Lady
Intermediary for earthly and heavenly creation wise one, daughter of the Prophet (spirit of beauty between the two), and the worthy wife of the saint of Allah, Hazrat Ali (a.s). Fatimah (s.a,) unparalleled heroin and unequalled herald throughout the history of Islam and...
4 December
Shi‘ism in Kashmir: A History of Sunni-Shia Rivalry and Reconciliation
This book traces the impact of Sunni power on Shii society and how this changed during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The book identifies a distinctive Kashmiri Shii Islam established during...
3 December
Islamophobia and the West: The Making of a Violent Civilization
This book provides an engaging and insightful look into the definitions, discourse and experiences of Islamophobia and its steady rise since 9/11....
November, 2022
27 November
Book: Islamic Economics and COVID-19
This book is a timely exploration of an unprecedented, cataclysmic pandemic episode. It examines certain critical aspects of socio-scientific theory across a variety of diverse themes, and through an epistemic lens...
26 November
Prophet’s Marriage to ‘Āyisha, A Hadith that Become a Reason for Islamophobia
The subject of my thesis was the famous and controversial hadith about the Islamic prophet Muḥammad’s marriage to his wife ʿĀʾišah bt. ʾabī Bakr at a young age: according to the dominant version of the hadith, she was six or seven at the time of her marital engagement, and nine at the time of her....
24 November
Ummah: A New Paradigm for a Global World
How can we live together without alienation, avoidance, and fear? How can we complement one another such that each of us can uniquely contribute to the making of our societies? To address these and other questions, Katrin A. Jomaa examines the….
21 November
Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education
The book, 'Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools', demonstrates why and how it is necessary to redesign Islamic Education curriculum in the.....
20 November
Ph.D. Thesis: The Lived Experience of Muslim Women Subjected to Islamophobia
This study explores the subjective experience of five Muslim women who wear or wore hijab in the past, and faced Islamophobia, using psychoanalytic case study methodology....
16 November
Ali, Figures of the First Master in Shī‘ī Spirituality
Based on a detailed analysis of several categories of sources, this book demonstrates that Shi‘ism is the religion of the Imam, of the Master of Wisdom, just like Christianity is that of Christ, and that ‘Alī is the...