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January, 2023

  • 2 January

    Reflections on the Religious Culture of Precaution

    The idea of precaution that is found within the religion is based on a number of traditions such as “precaution is the path to salvation” and “take precaution in your religion”. However, this type of thinking has dominated over many religious people and has...

  • 2 January

    What is the Meaning of Cursing (Laʻn)in the Qurʿān?

    Many people say that cursing (laʿn) has been mentioned in tens of verses in the Qurʿān and they argue that this is evidence for the religious legality of cursing as well as a striking rebuttal to those who claim that it is forbidden or...

December, 2022

  • 31 December

    Māʼidah al-Khamr – A Jurisprudential Discussion by Haider Hobbollah

    This is a very popular discussion, and the famous opinion is that it is ḥarām to eat or drink on a mā’idah or a sufrah – which is essentially anything upon which you place food for consumption – while there is alcohol being consumed on...

  • 25 December

    Islam and Women: A New Approach

    This present book deals with topics as diverse as the methodology of discussing Islam, the hijab, women’s rights, the status of women in Islam, gender identity, family life, raising children, the duty of parents, the ideal married life, and being a leader and a...

  • 20 December

    Identifying the Righteous Marjiʿiyyah

    In this book, Āyatullāh Sayyid Munīr al-Khabbāz gives an extended overview into the concept of the Marjʿiyyah, and discusses the character and qualifications of Grand Āyatullāh Sayyid ʿAlī al-Sistānī....

  • 20 December

    An Introduction to the Collection of Warram

    Warram Ibn Abi Firas’s Tanbih Al-Khawatir Wa Nuzhat Al-Nawazir, better known as Majmu‘at Waram (The Collection of Warram) is a precious collection of narrations on the moral practices and etiquettes of God-wary and...

  • 18 December

    Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy

    This is the first critical and theoretically grounded book-length study of Hajj literature (written texts about the experience of the Hajj) and Hajj practices of Bosnian Muslims.....

  • 14 December

    New Released: A Memorandum on Intersectarian Harmony in Islam

    This is a translation of the book Risālah Salām Madhhabī written by Shaykh Haider Hobbollah, published in 2015 and addressed both Shī‘ī and Sunnī audiences....

  • 13 December

    The Bases for the Formation and Growth of Shīʼism from the Past to the Present in Indonesia

    This article seeks to examine the contexts of Shiite growth from the past to the present. The author has studied and researched mainly this issue in the field and by analysing his findings in this country, he has proved the major effects of the....

  • 12 December

    Law Beyond Israel: From the Bible to the Qur’an

    The Hebrew Bible formulates two sets of law: one for Israelites and one for gentiles living in the Holy Land. Law Beyond Israel argues that the laws for non-Israelites form the historical basis of qur'anic law, pointing to legal continuity from the Hebrew Bible to the New Testament and...

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