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A Comparative Study of Women’s Social Status in the Quran and the Hebrew Bible

The present work adopts the descriptive method and cites numerous verses of the Old Testament and the Quran to present women’s social status in the course of the society according to religious rulings and doctrines under the notions of human dignity and social dignity.

Women’s social and human dignity was greatly addressed by Holy Scriptures. Significance of research into this might be brought out by appeals that have been made to Holy Scriptures for views on both ends of the extreme about women’s human and hence social dignity. The present work adopts the descriptive method and cites numerous verses of the Old Testament and the Quran to present women’s social status in the course of the society according to religious rulings and doctrines under the notions of human dignity and social dignity. Accordingly, the human dignity results from the divine spirit breathed into both women and men and their intellectual faculty that gives them the power to choose and paves the path for their transcendence or fall. In light of God-wariness and piety, humans will attain the dignity of transcendent humans and praiseworthy social dignity. Nevertheless, social roles of God-wary pious women, and above that, their effective crucial role as mothers give them an unparalleled social dignity in perpetuating piety in the society, which is why their role is particularly addressed and highlighted in Holy Scriptures.

Bibliographic Information

Title: A Comparative Study of Women’s Social Status in the Quran and the Hebrew Bible

Author(s): Zahra Yazdi

Published in: Religion, Religious Organizations, Strategies Practices of De-Radicalization: Gender Aspect

 Language: English

Length: 12 Pages

A Comparative Study of Women’s Social Status in the Quran and the Hebrew Bible

About Ali Teymoori

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