The book presents a realistic picture of women's rights in Shi’ah Islam. Contrary to popular propaganda, the laws, teachings and practices of Islam provide a complete system for a dignified life for women....
January, 2023
14 January
Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the Limits of Expression in Islam
The Al-Mahdi Institute Press recently has published its latest proceedings of the 9th AMI Contemporary Fiqhī Issues Workshop entitled “Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the Limits of Expression in...
13 January
Faṭima Bt. Muḥammad – Encyclopedia of Islam
Fatima, daughter of the prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadija, is venerated throughout the Islamic world. She married her father's cousin 'Ali b. Abi Talib, and gave birth to al-Hasan and al-Husayn, the only male descendants of....
12 January
The Guardianship of the Jurist and the Theory of Islamic Governance: A Historical Perspective
In this book, ʿAllamah Sayyid Jaʿfar Murtaḍā al-ʿĀmilī raises the subject of the guardianship of the jurist and its rational and primordial proofs from a historical aspect....
9 January
The Mahdi: Understanding the Awaited One
This book is about the man who is chosen to usher in this promise of justice and virtue – our Twelfth Immaculate Leader, the Awaited Savior – the Mahdi...
8 January
Usul al-Fiqh and Ijtihad in Shi‘ism
This study demonstrates that in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Shi‘i scholars elaborated and developed a specific Shi‘i theory of ijtihad. This chapter traces the genesis and development of both ijtihad (reasoning) and usul al-fiqh (legal theory) in Shi‘i intellectual history. It argues that the concern for knowledge and certitude, …
2 January
Reflections on the Religious Culture of Precaution
The idea of precaution that is found within the religion is based on a number of traditions such as “precaution is the path to salvation” and “take precaution in your religion”. However, this type of thinking has dominated over many religious people and has...
2 January
What is the Meaning of Cursing (Laʻn)in the Qurʿān?
Many people say that cursing (laʿn) has been mentioned in tens of verses in the Qurʿān and they argue that this is evidence for the religious legality of cursing as well as a striking rebuttal to those who claim that it is forbidden or...
December, 2022
31 December
Māʼidah al-Khamr – A Jurisprudential Discussion by Haider Hobbollah
This is a very popular discussion, and the famous opinion is that it is ḥarām to eat or drink on a mā’idah or a sufrah – which is essentially anything upon which you place food for consumption – while there is alcohol being consumed on...
25 December
Islam and Women: A New Approach
This present book deals with topics as diverse as the methodology of discussing Islam, the hijab, women’s rights, the status of women in Islam, gender identity, family life, raising children, the duty of parents, the ideal married life, and being a leader and a...