In the nineteenth century, the shrine cities of Najaf and Karbala in Ottoman Iraq emerged as the most important Shi'i centres of learning. In a major contribution to the study of pre-modern Middle Eastern religious institutions, Meir Litvak analyses the...
August, 2017
30 August
Book: Hajj – The Islamic Pilgrimage
As a result of unity of opinion and unanimity arising from believing in one God and being the followers of one Book and one Prophet, all Muslims stand in a single rank facing Kiblah and go round a...
28 August
Book: Manasik of Hajj by Ayatollah Sistani
Hajj is one of the basic principles of Islam; its performance is one of its essentials, and its non- performance is a grave sin...
27 August
Book: Hajj Booklet by Sadiq Hassan +PDF
Hence this booklet has been published according to the edicts of four maraaje who are followed by majority of the people: Ayatollah Khoei, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei and Ayatollah Sistani...
27 August
Book: Manasik (Rituals) of Hajj in Brief
This book details the jurisprudence related to Hajj as per the rulings of Ayatullah al-Uzma, Sayyid Ali Khamenei. Topics such as conditions that make Hajj obligatory, rites of Hajj and Umrah, their respective requirements and...
25 August
Book: Women and Shari’a Law: The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK
Women and Shari’a Law: The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK is a critique of a paradigm that calls for the introduction of Islamic law in Western legal systems as a means of...
23 August
Book: The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire
The book focuses on the political perceptions of the Hajj, its global religious appeal to Muslims, and the European struggle for influence and supremacy in the Muslim world in the age of...
17 August
Book: Islamism and Islam by Bassam Tibi
In this important and illuminating book, Bassam Tibi, a senior scholar of Islamic politics, explores the true nature of contemporary Islamism and the essential ways in which it...
9 August
Book: Introduction to Jurisprudential Maxims
Jurisprudential maxims (al-qawa‘id al-fiqhiyyah) play an important role in determining one's legal duty in particular situations. When applied, these maxims - such as the 'Maxim of Purity', the 'Maxim of...
3 August
Article: Shi‘i ‘Ulama and Ijāza during the Nineteenth Century
There were two types of ijāzas: an ijāza of ijtihād and an ijāza of riwaya. Modern researchers maintain that an ijāza of ijtihād permitted the holder to exercise ijtihād, and that attaining the ijaza was a prerequisite to...