Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: A Decade of Islamic Theology Looking Back and Ahead

Call for Papers: A Decade of Islamic Theology Looking Back and Ahead

The Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main convenes an international congress on “A Decade of Islamic Theology Looking Back and Ahead”.

It invites submissions on a wide range of topics that address, among others, the following research areas within Islamic theology:

  • exegesis (Qur’an / Hadith)
  • systematic theology / kalam
  • historical theology (incl. sunna)
  • Islamic law and methodology of jurisprudence
  • Muslim worlds in Germany, Europe and North America, Past and Present
  • practical theology (e.g. pastoral care, congregational life, adult education)
  • religious education / pedagogy

Submissions may also address other topics relevant to Islamic theology, such as the evolution of the disciplinary field in Germany, comparative perspectives concerning related developments in other countries, the relationship between Islamic theology and neighboring disciplines and other topics. Submissions by colleagues from Islamic Studies / Middle Eastern Studies, religious studies or other theologies are expressly welcome!

Important Data

Venue: Goethe University Frankfurt

Abstract Deadline Submission: 15 January 2020

Congress Date: 24-26 September 2020

Email: veranstaltung@aiwg.de

Website: aiwg.de

We encourage submissions of pre-organized panels consisting of up to four presenters, a chair and possibly a discussant. Each presentation should take no more than 15 minutes, reserving at least 10 minutes for discussion. The organizers will group the accepted individual submissions into thematic panels. We also welcome submissions for pre-organized roundtable discussions and workshops. Roundtables consist of three panelists and a chair. Workshops consist of a single presentation outlining the topic, followed by sessions in smaller working groups and a wrap-up discussion. In justified cases, a maximum of two people can chair one workshop.

Working languages are German and English. Given the international character of the congress, we strongly encourage submissions in English. Gender equality in the composition of panels will be a criterion.

The applicants of pre-organized panels will serve as panel-managers. Upon selection, you will be briefed about your responsibilities. Primarily, your role is to manage communication between the conveners and the panelists, etc.

Submissions must include

  • the applicant’s name, email-address, academic rank and institutional affiliation, a list of publications and an abstract
  • each panelists’ name, email-address, academic rank, institutional affiliation, list of publications
  • one abstract of the panel’s overall topic as well as one abstract of each paper included therein
  • a specification of the costs for each panel/paper (travel expenses, and fees if necessary)

Requirements for pre-organized panels and individual submissions

A selection committee will appraise the submissions along the following criteria:

  • Does the proposal pursue a clearly formulated research question?
  • Does it make a case, verify a hypothesis or answer a research question based on original empirical material, theoretical arguments or existing scholarly literature?
  • Does it reflect the state of the art of existing scholarship regarding a given topic?
  • Does it constitute an innovative contribution to the field?

Additionally, they will evaluate Pre-organized panels along the following criteria:

  • Does the panel’s line-up promise a coherent contribution?
  • Do the presentations included in the panel relate to / inform one another?

Evaluations of pre-organized roundtables and workshops will be along the following criteria:

  • Does the roundtable / workshop address a clearly formulated question?
  • Are the proposed panelists and presenters qualified to address the chosen topic?
  • Does the topic relate to ongoing scholarly or societal debates or to specific research questions treated within Islamic theology?
  • Does the proposed event promise to yield fresh knowledge regarding a given topic?


Please send individual submissions and pre-organized panels, including roundtables and workshops, to Dr. Rida Inam (veranstaltung@aiwg.de) no later than 15 January 2020.

Applicants will receive the decisions of the selection committee by 20 March 2020.


The AIWG has limited means to cover costs for travel and accommodation for all active congress participants. A contingent of hotel rooms in the Frankfurt metropolitan region will be reserved for congress participants. Successful applicants will receive detailed information in due course.

For further questions, please contact:

Dr Jan Felix Engelhardt
Managing Director
E-Mail: engelhardt@aiwg.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 69-798 22457

Dr Rida Inam
Coordinator for Research Formats and Event Management
E-Mail: inam@aiwg.de
Tel.: + 49 (0) 69-798 22447

About Ali Teymoori

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