Imam Jawad (a.s.) taught us a great lesson. That great lesson is that when faced with hypocritical and duplicitous powers, we should make an attempt to awaken people’s awareness for fighting these...
Read More »The Gold Standard Anchored in Islamic Finance
The Authors provide a comprehensive background for recent international financial crises rapid expansion of interest-bearing debt and monetary expansion though the fractional reserve banking system. In this context, the authors provide an analysis of the experience and issues associated with...
Read More »Economic System in Islam Compared with Capitalism and Socialism
The urgent need of Islamic literature is felt throughout the world. Many young Muslims by birth, when asked which religion they adhere to their answer comes hesitatingly Muslims. Many others deny or hide their identity and claim to be progressive `atheists,' since it is the....
Read More »Values and Meanings in Hajj’s Rites
Hajj is a collection of rites and observances. It is a number of action and recitation. They are all combined to be performed within a certain time and place. The result is worship, and an enlightening action conducive to the building up of the Muslim character. It effectively rebuilds the....
Read More »Al-Azhar Sheikh Slam Silence of the International Community on the Palestinian Rights
I am deeply saddened by the silence of the international community regarding the rights of the Palestinian people and the repeated attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites,” said the grand imam of...
Read More »A Clear Explanation for the Prohibition of Music
The verdict on listening to music might be unclear and confusing to many Muslims. So our goal in these articles is to make a clear explanation on case 20 in the second volume of “Minhaj Al-Salehin” According to the verdict of...
Read More »Slavery in Disguise: How Are Women Still Secondary in Western Ideology?
The prostitution is the focal point of women finding their identity in the Western systems. In order to further clarify this matter, it is necessary to state that, basically, due to the widespread prevalence of prostitution at the international and national level, countries are obliged to look at prostitution as...
Read More »Ayatollah Sistani’s Epic Fatwa against Daesh in Iraq
A day after the Speicher massacre, the bereaved nation was addressed by Ayatollah Ali Sistani, who commands tremendous respect from all sections of Iraqi society.During a Friday prayer in the holy city of Karbala, the fatwa was issued on his behalf calling on all Iraqi citizens to defend the...
Read More »Can a Person Borrow Money to Go to Hajj?
A person who can perform Hajj by borrowing money is not able to perform Hajj, even if he can pay later his whole debt at once or by installments, unless he has assets that can pay his debt from them....
Read More »Call for Papers: Islam and the Discourse of Enlightenment
The Journal of ‘Contemporary Study of Islam’ (JCSI) is delighted to invite researchers and scholars to submit their papers in a special issue of the Journal on the topic of ‘Islam and the Discourse of...
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