Millions of Muslim worshipers cast pebbles in the “stoning of the devil” ritual of the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, as Muslims around the world are celebrating the first day of...
Read More »Unity, Spirituality to Guarantee the Material, Spiritual of the Islamic World: Ayatollah Khamenei
Unity and spirituality are what guarantee the material and spiritual advancement of the Islamic world and its enlightening the entire world, said Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in his message to the 2023 Hajj Pilgrimage....
Read More »Isn’t Kissing the Hajr al-Aswad in Mecca Like Worshipping an Idol?
Muslims say they do not worship idols. How come when they go to Mecca they kiss a black stone? Isn't that like worshipping an idol?..
Read More »Hajj; A Small Resurrection Day
The people of the world are usually aware of two kinds of journey. One journey is that which is made to earn livelihood which includes business, immigration and educational trips. The second one is that which is undertaken for pleasure and sightseeing and...
Read More »The Qualities of Imam al-Baqir Character
Imam Abu Ja‘far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, had all the noble qualities that made him appropriate for undertaking the spiritual and the temporal leadership of this community. Each of his qualities raised him to the top which no one...
Read More »Hijab Symbol of Modesty
The term Hijab tends to be used as a catchall in the West for all Islamic head coverings, but is mainly used to mean a headscarf. For Muslim women’s representation in media and popular culture, this is the most....
Read More »Forgiveness Work: Mercy, Law, and Victims’ Rights in Iran
Iran’s criminal courts are notorious for meting out severe sentences—according to Amnesty International, the country has the world’s highest rate of capital punishment per capita. Less known to outside observers, however, is the Iranian criminal code’s recognition of forgiveness, where victims of...
Read More »Iran’s Support of Palestine Is Based on Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Law
The Islamic Republic's support is based on Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic law, rather than tactical moves or diplomatic issues," said Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with Ismail Haniyeh on...
Read More »Key Terms of the Qur’an: A Critical Dictionary
This book provides detailed and multidisciplinary coverage of a wealth of key Qur’anic terms, with incisive entries on crucial expressions ranging from the divine names allāh (“God”) and al-raḥmān (“the Merciful”) to the Qur’anic understanding of belief and self-surrender to.....
Read More »Social and Political Life of Imam al-Jawad (A)
Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS), better known as Al-Jawad (AS) (‘The Generous’), was born in Medina in 811 AD. He was killed by the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad in 835 AD. He was the Imam for...
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