Abū Muḥammad Faḍl b. Shādhān b. Khalīl al-Azdī al-Nīshābūrī, (d. 260/873) was an Imami scholar of kalam and fiqh. In his al-Rijal, al-Shaykh al-Tusi mentioned Ibn Shadhan as a companion of Imam al-Hadi (a). He learned from masters such as Muhammad b. Abi 'Umayr (d. 217/832) in Baghdad and met...
Read More »Abū Muḥammad Ḥasan b. ʿAli al-Ḥadhāʾ al-ʿUmmānī or al-ʿAmmānī
Abū Muḥammad Ḥassan b. ʿAli al-Ḥadhāʾ al-ʿUmmānī or al-ʿAmmānī, known as Ibn Abī ʿAqīl was a Shi'a scholar of hadith, fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and kalam (theology) in the fourth/tenth century during the Minor Occultation (al-ghayba al-sughra) (260/879-329/941 )...
Read More »Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. al-Junayd al-Kātib al-Iskāfī
Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. al-Junayd al-Kātib al-Iskāfī, known as Ibn al-Junayd al-Iskāfī, was an Imami scholar of fiqh and kalam in the fourth/tenth century. Ibn al-Junayd was born in Iskaf near Baghdad. He was a teacher of al-Shaykh al-Mufid. Ibn al-Junayd and Ibn Abi Aqil al-'Ummani are both called "al-Qadimayn" (that is, two ancient scholars of fiqh)...
Read More »Call for Application: Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies
The Tirana Spring School will be organised by NISIS in collaboration with IISMM/EHESS, CNMS (Marburg University), CSIC, and IAKSA (Instituti i Antropologjisë Kulturore dhe Studimit të Artit, ASA), and will take place in Tirana...
Read More »First International Conference on Halal Tourism to be Held in Indonesia
The First International Conference on Halal Tourism will be held on February 9 - 11, 2018 in Bali, Indonesia, with the theme: "Halal Tourism: Towards Greater Understanding and New Ventures."
Read More »A Review of the Book “Khānivādih”, by Ayatollah Khamenei
The book “Khānivādih” is made up of Ayatollah Khamenei’s speeches, which have been dissected and sorted according to their topics, such that similar speeches or parts of speeches are grouped together, giving the book the form of a lengthy symposium...
Read More »Book: Scriptural Polemics: The Qurʾān and Other Religions
This volume is an important contribution to understanding the impact of the key polemical Qur’anic passages about Judaism and Christianity that shaped Muslim theology of the ‘other.’ Sirry’s meticulous reading of the Qur’anic commentaries to expound this theology is thoroughly grounded in both the classical as well as the modernist-reformist …
Read More »Christian Librarian Dons Hijab to Support Muslims
Nancy Allen, a librarian, published author, and a member of a church choir from Conway, US state of Arkansas, has been wearing hijab for almost two years to support Muslim women and counter hateful rhetoric targeting the religious...
Read More »European Halal Expo to be Held in Netherlands
During European Halal Expo the focus will be on the halal industry, with special attention to the production of food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Besides the presence of manufacturers and producers from all over the...
Read More ȣ1,000 Prize for the Best Article on Islamic Studies
The British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS) and De Gruyter are delighted to announce the third round BRAIS – De Gruyter Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World...
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