The original in Arabic appeared under the title Ta’rikh hasr al-ijtihad a publication of Madrasat al-Imam al Mahdi (‘a), Khunsar, and edited by Muhammad ‘Ali al-Ansari al-Shushtari.
Muhammad Muhsin Aqa Buzurg Tehrani (1293-1389/1876-1969), the author of al-Dhari’ah ila tasanif al-Shi’ah, the well-known bibliographical book on works written by Shi’i authors from the earliest times to the contemporary era, was an eminent contemporary scholar. His other writings include, Tabaqat a’lam al-Shi’ah (a biographical work on eminent Shi’i scholars from the 4th/10th to the 14th/20th century), Musaff a al-maqal fi musannifi ‘ilm al-rijal (accounts of about 500 Shi’i scholars who have written on ‘ilm al-rijal), Hadiyyat al-razi ila almujaddid al-Shirazi (a biography of al-Mirza Muhammad Hasan al-Shirazi, well known for his famous fatwa against the granting of monopoly rights on tobacco trade to a British company by Nasir al-Din Shah, the Qajar ruler), al-Naqd al-latif fi nafy al-tahrif ‘an al-Qur’an a-sharif (on refutation of tahrif in the Qur’an), and Taf nid qawl al-awam bi qidam al-kalam (dealing with the well-known theological controversy between the Mu’tazilites and the Ash’arites concerning the eternity of the Qur’an). The editor of the Arabic text has written footnotes, most of which that were relevant to a translation have been retained here as endnotes.
Bibliographic Information
Title: An Outline of the History of Restriction on Ijtihad
Author: Ayatollah Muhammad Mohsin AqaBozorg Tehrani
Published in: Al-Tawhid Journal
Language: English
Length: 28 pages