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Your Questions Answered Vol. VI +PDF

This book contains replies to 118 questions received between October 1990 and December, 1994, from The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand; India, Pakistan, Iran, U.A.E. and Muscat; Sweden, Norway, Germany and U.K.; U.S.A., Canada, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana; Ghana, Nigeria, Botswana, Kenya and Tanzania.

As it happens many of the questions are on burning topics of the current social environment, and I hope this volume will prove more popular and useful than the previous ones in this series.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Your Questions Answered Vol. VI

Author: Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi

Publisher: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania

 Language: English

Length: 52

ISBN: 9976956908

Pub. Date: 2014/04/23

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About Ali Teymoori

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