Home / Extremism / US People Offer to Accompany Muslims to Mosques in Wake of Shooting

US People Offer to Accompany Muslims to Mosques in Wake of Shooting

Following the shooting of a New York City mosque leader and an associate, people are offering to accompany Muslims to and from the mosque so they can pray in safety.

Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, and his associate Thara Uddin, 64, were fatally shot in the back of the head as they left Al-Furqan Jame Masjid in Queens on Saturday.

Although police said so far no motive has been established, and that there is no reason to believe they were shot because they were Muslim, neighborhood leaders, religious leaders and mosque-regulars gathered to express their fear that the shooting was a hate crime.

Online, many non-Muslims across the country used the hashtag #IllWalkWithYou to indicate they would walk with Muslims to and from the mosque to protect them while they pray.

To my Muslim friends, neighbors, and strangers, #ILLWalkWithYou – in MI, in NY, wherever we meet…Stacy Parker.

I’m big and tall and scary looking, and I love you and I want you to feel safe #IllWalkWithYou …Willem Smith

#IllWalkWithYou because no one should be afraid to practice their religion in America. Sacramento, Ca…Lavar T.


About Ali Teymoori

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