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Thirty Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence +PDF

In the face of new and more complicated situations that are the result of scientific and technological advancement, the author gives some clarity on Shariah.

Islamic jurisprudence plays a significant role in Muslim life, be in in regard to involvement in trade & business, family law or legal and illegal action. In the face of new and more complicated situations that are the result of scientific and technological advancement, the author gives some clarity on Shariah. Discussions regarding these principles and rules has resulted in the discipline now referred to as jurisprudence. The general principles evolved from such scholarly debate and investigation developed into the sole ‘tools’ by which questions regarding sharah are universally answered.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Thirty principles of Islamic jurisprudence

Author: Sayyid Fadhil  Hussaini Milani

Publisher: Ansarian Publication

 Language: English

Length: 162

ISBN: 978-964-219-216-8

Pub. Date: 2012/12/16

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