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The prohibition of domestic violence in Islam +PDF

This book presents shining social examples set forth by the revered Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (P.B.U.H), and examines crucial Arabic terminology relative to domestic violence that has been broadly misinterpreted.

This “fatwa,” religious edict, is issued by two renowned Islamic scholars and is founded on traditional Islamic texts which clearly state domestic violence is forbidden. It presents shining social examples set forth by the revered prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and examines crucial Arabic terminology relative to domestic violence that has been broadly misinterpreted. This booklet is an authentic refutation of domestic abuse perpetrated by Muslims and is a resource for social scientists, religious scholars, policymakers, lawmakers, law enforcement, educators, and advocates for victims of domestic violence. This booklet is directed to those who seek to understand the historic and religious aspects of domestic violence among Muslims.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The prohibition of domestic violence in Islam

Author(s):  Muhammad Hisham Kabbani and Homayra Ziad

Publisher:  World Organization for Resource Development and Ed

 Language: English

Length: 38

ISBN: 9781930409972

Pub. Date: 2012/12/26

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