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The First and the Largest Encyclopedia on the Fatwa of Holy Defense Published

Believing in the role of the Fatwa given by the highest religious Marja’iyah about defending Iraq, its people, and its sanctities and its coincidence with the fifth remembrance of its announcement, Al-Abbas (pbuh) Holy Shrine accomplished a War History Encyclopedia about the Fatwa of the Holy Defense.

This encyclopedia is the first and the biggest War History Encyclopedia that supports the Fatwa given by the Eminence of the highest religious Marja’iyah, his Eminence Sayyid Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani (may Allah preserve him) that Iraqi youths from all over the Iraq responded it. They joined the battlefield defending their country and their family honor and to respond the Marja‘iyah appeal for defending the Isis terrorist attack.

The Deputy Director of the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, Ahmed Sadiq Hassan gave more information about it. He said, “By the guidance and the blessings received from his Eminent the religious Commissioner of the Al-Abbas (pbuh) Holy Shrine, Sayyid Ahmed Al-Safi (may Allah last his honor), with the rapid compliance of Sayyid Leith Al-Mousavi (may Allah last his successes) from before, and by the blessings of Allah and Abu Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (pbuh), the Al-Abbas (pbuh) Holy Shrine accomplished the War History Book of the Fatwa of the Holy Defense. This Encyclopedia confirms everything which is related to that Fatwa and all other events that took place after responding it by the groups of Iraqi youths in defending their country.”

Furthermore, this Encyclopedia is published in fifty-four volumes containing everything which is related to the Fatwa during the time it was announced by the religious commissioner of the Imam Hussain’s (pbuh) Holy Shrine, His Eminent Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai (may Allah last his honor) in Imam Hussain (pbuh) Holy Shrine, by mentioning some points like: the Iraqis’ response to the Fatwa, the last events, military operations, the liberation of the lands, appointing the highest committee for supporting the logistics, and some other committees for helping the displaced people.

He continued, “also, this book consists of the role of the Holy Shrines, Seminaries, and governmental and nongovernmental organizations in supporting this Fatwa. The Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation can be mentioned as the top one which is under the supervision of the highest Marja’iyah. The role of the favor received from Hussaini Mawkibs in supporting the combatant and serving them with the logistic supporting as it is confirmed in this book as the operations of saving the displaced people.”

He added, “also the declarative role in the battle and how they consolidated the military operations to the champion combatant in the battlefields beside the announcement of the blessing Fatwa, the military operations, and the relief operations and so on are mentioned in this encyclopedia in an extended and accurate way. So that, this encyclopedia could be a memory for the future generations to read and understand that Iraq was on the edge of Hell then a merciful and blessing help saved it by this Fatwa.”

It is worth mentioning that working on this encyclopedia needed a great deal of time and effort that those who made it spent on it in order to make it in a way that suits this historical event, the name of the highest Marja’iyah, and the Al-Abbas (pbuh) Holy Shrine.

About Ali Teymoori

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