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The Divine Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad: Debates of Prophet Muhammad with Scholars and Representatives of Five Religions

The book which is translated from Ihtijaj al-Tabarsi presents a compilation of debates of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) with scholars and representatives of other religions including Judaism, Christianity, atheism, dualism and polytheism.

This book is a rare collection of seven extempore debates of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with the scholars and representatives of Polytheism, Atheism, Dualism, Christianity and Judaism.

The divine knowledge and wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is obvious in his impromptu, logical, convincing and all-encompassing arguments in these debates that overwhelmed the highly learned and influential personalities of Arabia and provide the superiority of Islam as a divine religion.

The present book entitled “The Divine Wisdom of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [pbuh], Debates of Holy Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] with scholars and representatives of other religions”, translated from Ihtajaj al-Tabarsi by Fizza Haidari, edited and annotated by Abu Yahya al- Hosseini is being published by the Islamic Research Foundation of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (as), Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran.

This work includes debates of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] with scholars and representatives of the Judaism, Christianity, atheism, dualism and polytheism in three chapters and the chapter one is divided into five parts. The glossary of key terms is also provided for the readers of this book.

Publication of the present work can be considered as the dire need of the time because ceaseless false, baseless and vicious propaganda is being carried out against the Holy Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] by the Zionist controlled Western mass media to create Islamophobia in the world. But the debates of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] with scholars and representatives of other religions prove that the dynamic universal message of Islam was preached through peace and brotherhood.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Divine Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad: Debates of Prophet Muhammad with Scholars and Representatives of Five Religions

Author(s):  Abu Ali Fadhl ibn Hasan Tabrsi

Translator: Fiza Reza

Editor: Abu Yaha al-Hussseini

Publisher: Heritage International Inc

Length: 70 pages

ISBN: 978-1-7330284-1-7

Pub. Date: 2019

The Divine Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad

About Ali Teymoori

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