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Social Affairs: Brotherhood, Marriage, Community

This book, Social Affairs: Brotherhood, Marriage, Community, is a compilation of inspirational lessons in regards to living as part of community. It lays a framework for Islamic teachings on how to be part of the human family.

Whether it is a parent, a sibling, a close family member, a fellow mosque goer, a coworker, or an absolute stranger, our faith teaches us how to interact with integrity and respect. The book details the rights and etiquettes taught to us by our holy Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Immaculate Imams (a) in regards to any individual we may encounter in our lives.

As human beings we long for bonding with our fellow human beings. It is part of our nature to live and coexist with one another. Building relationships of mutual benefit is part and parcel to human tradition. We cannot exist without one another. From the institution of marriage and raising a family to engaging in trade and general socialization, we yearn for these relationships. Isolation is not natural to the human condition. It is rarely chosen out of free will and is often only imposed by necessity or circumstance. Islam embraces the nature of man and encourages his integration with the rest of mankind. Society is built upon individual engagement forming the collective of families, groups, and communities. Islam empowers individuals to acknowledge each other, in all their diversity, appreciate one another and learn more about that diversity that exists amongst them. Out of this great family we call mankind, we find this diversity and celebrate it. The book details the rights and etiquettes taught to us by our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Immaculate Imams (a) in regards to any individual we may encounter in our lives. This book, Social Affairs: Brotherhood, Marriage, Community, is a compilation of inspirational lessons in regards to living as part of a community. It lays a framework for Islamic teachings on how to be part of the human family. Whether it is a parent, a sibling, a close family member, a fellow mosque goer, a coworker, or an absolute stranger, our faith teaches us how to interact with integrity and respect. The book details the rights and etiquettes taught to us by our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) and the Immaculate Imams (a) in regards to any individual we may encounter in our lives.

About the Author

Sayyid Ali Al-Hakeem is an esteemed Muslim scholar, lecturer, and researcher residing in Dubai, UAE. Sayyid Al-Hakeem spent ten years studying at the Islamic seminaries of Qum, Iran. There, he completed his Advanced Seminars (a Ph.D. equivalent in Islamic seminaries) in Islamic Jurisprudence and Thought. He also received a Master’s degree in Islamic Thought from the Islamic University of Lebanon. Sayyid Al-Hakeem has dedicated the past twenty-two years of his life to service of the Muslim community in different capacities. He serves as a resident scholar in the Imam Hassan Mosque, Dubai. He is the Chair of the Religious Committee and the religious supervisor of the Charitable Deeds Committee of the Ja’afariya Endowment Charitable Council of Dubai.

Table of Contents


The Human Family



Women in Islam

Husband and wife

Challenges in Marriage

Raising a Child




Bibliographic Information

Title: Social Affairs: Brotherhood, Marriage, Community

Author: Sayyid Ali Al-Hakeem

Translator & Publisher: The Mainstay Foundation

Language: English

Length: 194 pages

ISBN: 978-1943393978

Pub. Date: September 21, 2017

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About Ali Teymoori

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