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Shi’i Trends and Dynamics in Modern Times (Xviiith-Xxth Centuries)

This volume comprises a collection of papers from various contributors ranging from historians to religious scholars and is separated into three parts.

Part one focuses on philosophy and mysticism, the second on Shi’i jurisprudence and part three on doctrinal debates and political theories. The result of this collection is an overview of events and trends across the broader  Shi’i worlds throughout the last three centuries and hereby adds to our understanding of the life of its community and its scholarly activities, especially in the time span between 1722 up to the rise of the Qajars. The book’s value especially lies in the fact that it emphasizes the diversity of areas of Shi’i thought and hereby reminds us of its complexity and broad extent.

About the Author

Denis Hermann is a historian researching in the fields of intellectual and social Iranian history and currently works at the CNRS ‘Mondes Iranien et Indien’. He is a Senior Researcher at the French national Centre for Scientific Research and is specialized in Islamic Studies and Shi’i theology.

Table of Contents

Part One – Diversity and Change in Philosophy and Mystic

Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’I and the World of Images

Todd Lawson

The Qutb as Special Representative of the Hidden Imam: The Conflation of Shi ̉i and Sufi  Vilayat  in the Ni‘matullàhi  Order

Oliver Scharbrodt

Hikma Mutaliya in Qajar Iran: hajj Mulla Hadi Sabzevari and  the School of Mulla Sadra

Sajjad H.Rizvi


Continuity and Originality in Shi‘i Thought: the relationship between the Akhbariyya and the Makatab-I Tafkik

Robert Gleave


Part Two: Shia Jurisprudence

La quête du savoir à Najaf. Les études religieuses chez les chiites imamates: de la fin du 19e siècle à 1960

Sabrina Mervin

Fiqh et soufisme à la période qajare : quelques notes sur l’oeuvre juridique des maîtres ni‘matullahi gunabadi

Shahram Pazouki


Part Three – Doctrinal Debates and Political Theories

Sunni Ulama’s Discourses on Shi‘ism in Northern India: during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: An Overview

Sajida Sultana Alvi


Système parlementaire et consultation: selon Thiqat al-Islam Tabrizi: légitimation religieuse et justification historique

Denis Hermann


Remarques sur la pensée politique de l’ayatollah Lari: durant le mouvement constitutionnel

Mohammad Baqer Vosuqi

Bibliographic Information

Title: Shi’i Trends and Dynamics in Modern Times (Xviiith-Xxth Centuries)

Editor: Hossein Esmaeili, Irmgard Marboe  and Javaid Rehman

Publisher: Ergon Verlag; Bilingual edition

 Language: English and French

Length: 180  pages

ISBN: 978-3899138085

Pub. Date: 8 Nov. 2010

About Ali Teymoori

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