Home / All / Sheikh Isa Qassim Congratulates Sheikh Zakzaky on His Release

Sheikh Isa Qassim Congratulates Sheikh Zakzaky on His Release

The Leader of the Bahrain Islamic Movement and Revolution, Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Qassem, congratulated the Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, on his release.

The Leader of the Shias of Bahrain said in this message: Greetings to you, Mr. Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, Mujahid fi Sabilillah, a person who devoted his life to Islam and human dignity, eager and diligent for the honorable freedom of human beings, As-Salamu Alaykum wa-Raḥmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

The day of your release from the prison of oppression is the day of true joy for the believers and all those who appreciate the role of a person like you, who strive for truth and justice. Congratulations on this Jihad and patience in the way of God in the face of persecution. You have disgraced those who wronged you by getting rid of everything that is far from you and they wanted to attribute to you.

In the end, the Leader of the Bahraini Islamic Movement wished good health to Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife, and thanked the Muslims and non-Muslims who helped Sheikh Zakzaky in this way.


About Ali Teymoori

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