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Book: “Rights of Husband and Wife” by M. Ismaeel Rajabi

Author: Muhammad Ismaeel Rajabi

Translated by: Athar Hussain Rizvi

Publisher:Az-Zahra Publishing Co.P.O. Box. 3471 -Mumbai – 400 003. India.

Date: 2015 August

Pages: 40

Table of Contents
  • Know your Islam
  • Islam encourages marriage
  • Love between husband and wife
  • Mutual rights of husband and wife
  • Rights of wife on the husband
  • Reward for husbands who help in household chores
  • Consequences of misbehavior with family members
  • Rights of husband on the wife
  • Traditions
  • Extent of obeying the husband
  • Reward of serving drinking water to the husband
  • Jihad of the woman
  • To hurt the husband verbally
  • Loving children
  • Important point
  • Beating children
  • Rights of children
  • Some moral rules and regulations
  • O ladies having a firm faith; pay attention to the following traditions:
  • What the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) saw on the night of Meraj?
  • Ijtihad and Taqleed
  • Ijtihad
  • Conditions necessary for Ijtihad
  • Taqleed

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